
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brit engineers unveil tin foil-thin speaker

If you thought NXT flat panel speakers were thin, wait until you see the latest piece of engineering from the brainbox types at Warwick University. Dubbed the FFL (flat, flexible loudspeaker), it looks like tin foil but reportedly delivers a clear, crisp sound.

Unlike a traditional speaker, the FFL works by moving air as a bulk mass rather than from a single point. The idea is that this distributes audio evenly.

The tech could be used in posters, ceiling tiles or even wrapped around a lampshade, according to the head of Warwick Audio Technologies, a firm created to sell the speaker tech. It looks likely to prove popular for public address systems, as it’s directed straight at its audience and quality doesn’t degrade to the extent it does with standard PA systems.

Don’t expect to see tons of FFL speakers out in the next few months, but Warwick Audio Technologies says it hopes to have a product out by the end of 2009.

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